Africa, my Africa! So we read in school but now Africans seem to be saying, Africa, their Africa.
No one wants to lay claim to Africa anymore. No one wants to be associated with poverty,corruption,avarice,war,abduction, and everything bad.
Africa is gradually losing her potentials, human and capital, to the world beyond and we pretend as if all is well. My African brothers have taken to work menial jobs in the western world even when they have all it takes to effect great change in the business,legal,medical and technology world.They now think themselves inferior to their counterparts while they embark on a life of slavery.
Our so-called leaders have taken to broad-day-robbery and we are made to hail them as we suffer in silence. We watch as they squander our wealth and save up treasures in the western world aiding their development while African children die of malnutrition and others kill one another over the remnant left.
Someone once told me our problems could be our 'black skin'. I almost picked a fight, but analyses of African countries that have never known peace since I was born left me defenseless. Could our problem then be our 'black skin'?
NO! Our problem is the few black skinned that govern Africa. The few with myopic vision, the few who got power through military coup d'etat, the few who rigged election, the brainless few.
Africa, you are my Africa but I am getting weary of defending you everywhere.
I weep everyday for you when I see lives been wasted, children dying, men and women hungry. This is not the Africa my fathers left for us.
I will pray again tonight for you and may God send your rightful leader.